More reasons for SLLLLEEEPPP

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Hey there parents and teens, or soon to be teens!  Yet another article about the power of SLEEP!  We all know 9 hours is the goal for teens, but did you know only 40% middle school students are getting those much needed zzzzzz’s?  Teenagers, Sleep and Mental Health, an article by Harvard Medical School psychiatrist Emily Deans M.D.explains why sleep is so necessary for children, teens and adults, focusing on sleeps effect on mental health.

Check it out and get some great tips on how to help yourself get the WHOLE 9!

Nutrition Around the World!

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Food messages around the world are changing every day.  Today we are going to do a little research about what people are eating around the globe and how it compares to your daily diet.  Watch this video clip about breakfast around the world and see how it compares to your daily breakfast and notice the differences amongst the countries.

Now take a look at this at this slideshow about school lunches around the world.  When you’re looking at the pictures, think about how the lunches compare to your lunch and which lunches you wish were served here at SAS!

Now, you’re going to learn more about why people around the world consume the foods they eat by looking at the food and dietary guidelines all around the world. Here is the link to the most recent Food Based Dietary Guidelines around the world.  Our hope is that you can make our cafeteria a place where students are able to put into practice the messages they learn:)

Below is your note-taking sheet that will help you with this project:

Food Guidelines around the World Note taking Sheet S2015

We are also going to be looking if you’re able to find and locate valid, resourceful information through your note taking sheet.    Take a look at the rubric to make sure you’re on the right track and using all the skills you’ve been taught to locate these resources.

Food Guidelines Project Rubric