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What an inspiration the new campaign in the UK “This Girl Can” is to EVERYONE!  Women come in all shapes, sizes and abilities and should feel confident to use their amazing bodies to stay fit, healthy and feel good about their bodies.  This is what physical activity looks like!

Brazil Has Got It Right When it Comes to Food!

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Thank you Brazil for taking the lead in what hopefully is the new normal in the world’s dietary guidelines.  With a focus on whole foods, homemade meals, enjoying them with family and friends and being wary of ads, Brazil is making a huge statement in the food world.  Let’s hope other countries learn from Brazil’s example when creating new dietary guidelines.  Check out Brazil’s new dietary guidelines below.

Brazil’s New Dietary Guidelines: Cook and Eat Whole Foods, Be Wary of Ads

Lets Set a Goal 7th Graders!

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Hey 7th Graders!

The time has come for you to pick a wellness goal for the semester and get into action. Pick something that you’d like to work on – physically, mentally, emotionally, or socially- and draft a plan. Remember to make it a SMART goal:

S- Specific (you’ve got to see it to reach it!)

M- Measurable (how will you know you’ve achieved it?)

A- Adjustable (things come up! Make sure you can adjust accordingly.)

R- Realistic (if it’s not realistic, you’ll just end up frustrated!)

T- Timely (set a goal you can reach by the end of the school year.)

Fill out the following sheet with details about your goal and save it to your health folder on your Mac. You’ll need to go back to it every two weeks for a check-in and reflection.

Personal Goal Setting Project- Spring 2015

Working towards goals can be challenging, and you’ll need some reminders and help along the way. Use the following document to write a letter to yourself that you can go back to when you need some extra support!

Goal Setting Letter- S2015

If you are in need for some extra inspiration, please go back and watch the video about Dartanyon and Leroy.  Goal setters can’t get much more inspirational than these two incredible individuals!