Analyzing the Influence of Technology Infographic Project

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Infographics are used quite a bit in reporting health news, as they’re a visually appealing way to get facts and statistics out to the community.

Here are some samples…

Infographic: Meditation in Schools Across America

Infographic: 15 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Happier

Today you’re going to create your own and demonstrate advocacy by taking your posters to a whole new level.

Project- Tech Balance Infographics

Standard 2- Analyzing the influence of technology on personal & family health.

Your task: pick one of the topics that we’ve been discussing during our technology balance unit, gather some research, and create an infographic to get your point across.

Here are some possible topics…

-Digital footprint

-Tech balance/ face-to-face communication

-Digital Citizenship

-Time management/tech distractions

-The benefits of video games

-Mindfulness in a connected world

Pick a topic that interests you, or another one of your choice, do a little research, and find at least four facts or statistics to include in your infographic.

Then use one of these easy to follow programs and get started…



Here’s the rubric so you know exactly what we’re looking for. Remember to cite your sources at the bottom.

Infographic Rubric- Technology F2014