Third Culture Kids Are Pretty Lucky:)

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Being a parent of a third culture kid, not having been one myself, can definitely have its ups and downs.  Often times I question whether living abroad is the right choice for my kids and our family.  This list of “15 Things I Want to Tell My Third Culture Kid” was a great reminder about all the amazing benefits that come along with being TCK.  If you’re a parent of a TCK or a TCK yourself, it’s a must read:)  Enjoy!

Sleepy Time Video

Hey 7th graders,
Great job on your sleep advocacy skits. Now it’s time to take what you learned and put it into action in your own life. You’ll be making a short (around a minute long) video reminding yourself about all of the benefits of and barriers to getting a good night’s sleep. Don’t forget to include some actionable things you can do to improve your sleep habits.
Answer the questions on the attached sheet, and then get to work! You’ll have two class sessions to work on these videos, so they better be shiny :).
Download and fill out this sheet: Sleep Reminder Videos- Instructions
After you’re done with the video, just drop it into my inbox on the server. Good luck, but don’t stay up to late working on this!

Learning a little Hand Jive!

In Advisory for the past few months, our kids have been participating in what we call “Me Days”.  This is when they share a talent, skill or strength they have with our class and teach us some skills about their talent.  This week was Wesley’s week and this is what we learned…

So fun!  Thanks Wesley!!!

Sleepy Time!!!!

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We all know that sleep is important, but how important is it and how much do we actually need?  What are the distractions that keep us from getting the rest we need at night?

Recent studies have shown that 1/3 of teens are sleep deprived getting around 7 hours a sleep a night when you actually need 9 hours of sleep a night to function at your highest potential during the day!!!  You may say to yourself, “Oh I’m definitely one of the 2/3 of teens who are getting enough sleep” but  how many of you can say you consistently get 9 hours of sleep on a normal night???   Hmmm…  That’s what I thought!

And we all know one of the major culprits of teens not getting enough sleep at night.  What do you think it might be??  Yep, you’re right, technology.  Check out the articles, “Really? Using a Computer Before Bed Can Disrupt Sleep” and Screen Time Before Bedtime you’ll learn more about how using tech before bed can lead to you getting less zzzzz’s.

A recent article in the Atlantic entitled, Sleep Deprivation Makes Us look Sad and Unattractive, talks about why sleep is called beauty sleep!  When you get sleep you not only feel better and more energetic, but you look more attractive!  And another article from the Atlantic, Building Better Athletes with Sleep, talks about how athletes perform better when they get more sleep. 

And kids, did you know that getting enough sleep at night can help you maintain a healthy weight?  The New York Times article Lost Sleep can Add to Weight Gain gives you more insight on just how sleep can help your body.

Once you’ve read all the articles and taken notes, chose one of the benefits of sleep that you find most interesting or maybe it’s something you want to make sure you remember and create a sleep advocacy poster.  You may have to do a little more research on this specific sleep benefit to ensure your poster is filled with accurate, up to date information.

Here’s the rubric so you know exactly what to include:

Sleep Rubric F2014

Other Resources used in Health Class that could be helpful to your research:

Brain Pop: Tim and Moby talk about sleep.


Building Better Athletes with Sleep

“Really? Using a Computer Before Bed Can Disrupt Sleep”

Screen Time Before Bedtime

Sleep Deprivation Makes Us look Sad and Unattractive

Lost Sleep can Add to Weight Gain

TED Talks:

Technology Balance Project!

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Infographics are used quite a bit in reporting health news, as they’re a visually appealing way to get facts and statistics out to the community.

Here are some samples…

Infographic: Meditation in Schools Across America

Infographic: 15 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Happier

Today you’re going to create your own and demonstrate advocacy by taking your posters to a whole new level.

Project- Tech Balance Infographics

Standard 2- Analyzing the influence of technology on personal & family health.

Your task: pick one of the topics that we’ve been discussing during our technology balance unit, gather some research, and create an infographic to get your point across.

Here are some possible topics…

-Digital footprint

-Tech balance/ face-to-face communication

-Digital Citizenship

-Time management/tech distractions

-The benefits of video games

-Mindfulness in a connected world

Pick a topic that interests you or another one of your choice, do a little research, and find at least four facts or statistics to include in your infographic to back up your topic.

Then use one of these easy to follow infographic programs and get started…



Here’s the rubric so you know exactly what we’re looking for. Remember to cite your sources at the bottom.

Infographic Rubric- Technology F2014